Close to 100 selected participants, from various backgrounds, from many countries (Korea, Brazil, Italy, Belgium, France, USA,…): University of Yeungnam (Korea), Ecole d'architecture de Montpellier, Ecole de Paris-la-Villette, Ecole of architecture of Marne-la-Vallée, Ecole d'architecture de Normandie, Ecole D'architecture de Versailles, Ecole d'architecture de Lille, Ecole Olivier de Serres, French Institute of Urban Planning, Ecole supérieure of Graphic Arts ESAG-Penninghen, Ensa From Nancy, School of Architecture of Brescia (Italy), University of Inchéon (Korea), University of Jungang in Seoul (Korea), University of Savannah (USA), University of Berkeley (USA), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Belgium), Catholic University of Louvain La Neuve ( Belgium), Faculty of Architecture of Mons (Belgium), ULB (Belgium), Faculty of Mathematics of UMONS (Belgium) Organisation: International Experimental Workshop for the city Biodigital, Universcience with: University of Yeungnam (Korea), Ecole of architecture of Montpellier, Ecole supérieure of Graphic Arts ESAG-Penninghen, Faculty of Architecture of Mons (Belgium), Laboratoire EVCAU, ENSCI-The workshops framing: Claire Bailly, Seungman Baek, Pierre-Yvon Carnoy, Etienne Godimus, Jean Magerand with the participation of: Thomas Proud, Thomas Zédin