A prospective debate worthy of the name is fed alternatively of theoretical, practical and utopian substances. Today we present a fragment of the manifest text accompanying the project of bio-Digital City presented in the competition ' D3 Natural System '. The objective of this international competition was to propose architectural, territorial or urban devices designed to the articulation between nature and the artificial.
The ' robotic-garden city ' at very high density urban activities are optimized in real time to reduce the city's negative impact on the environment. It and robotics equip all vehicles and robots. Sensors connect them. Urban life is made easier and less harmful to the planet. Robots perform rapid recycling of water and waste. Urban compost is produced in basements and feeds urban agriculture. Urban farming areas are embedded in the urban fabric. The ' 4 x 4 WD Pass-all vehicles ' These vehicles are automatic and self-service. They are complementary to metros, urban trains or buses. These vehicles are individual transport, automatic delivery of parcels, horticultural vehicles, lifts, garbage trucks, freight elevators, freight carriers, robot carriers. They work as a group for public transportation. They are operational in all areas: urban agriculture, housing, family gardening, trade, public transport station. They go up inside the buildings, through the usual lifts, through vertical corridors, through the facades. These vehicles can also access the roofs.
Bio-digital buildings they leave everything around them narrow streets for light vehicles and pedestrians. The density of buildings is important. The central courtyards of the islets are covered by removable, transparent, insulating multi-layered canvases in winter and by shade structure in summer. The buildings are covered with a pergola and energy collectors (wind turbines, solar panels). Pergolas contain nesting boxes for birds, mammals or insects that make up urban biodiversity. Under the pergolas, crops, water purification basins and fish farms are installed. Robots grow roofs. The robotic facades the intelligent facades automatically provide ventilation, opening, mechanical ventilation, air purification, heat capture, and sunshine. The ' cultivated facades ' of the buildings the facades of the building are cultivated, thanks to the compost and the clean water produced by the cell. Robots maintain bins, mechanically destroy insects, water and pick fruits and flowers. The basements the buildings of the bio-digital city are located above several levels of basement. One of the levels is totally free of any occupation except for the load descents of the buildings. It allows all safety vehicles (fire, health) to intervene at very high speed, avoiding any unforeseen obstacles usually encountered in urban routes. In particular, hospital vehicles can be routed to places where people are to be cared for in the emergency with sophisticated equipment. The Basements act as a craft zone. Part of the manufacturing is done in the basement. It's driven from a remote geographic location. The object is made instantly in the vicinity of its place of destination. The delivery is made immediately either at home or at the store. The raw materials are stored in the basement. For example, trousers are put into manufacture from the customer's measurements; They are transmitted over the Internet. The company uses its cutting and sewing machines located in the basements. Manufacturing is done in real time, always close to the buyer's place of residence.
The cell housing the cell is completely autonomous and recycles its own waste, thanks to robots, in a room located under each cell. This cavity comprises all the mechanical, biological and computer equipment for recycling. The cell produces compost, algae and plants, clean water, energy (gas, heat, electricity), earthworms for horticulture. All home computers are connected to each other and work on the self-organization of urban recycling. The material, water and energy are distributed according to optimized circuits. The cell is a place of high adaptation and can be transformed into: habitat, Office, hotel, workshop, festive room, storage, gym, infirmary, classroom, remote operating room. On the facade of the cells, animal and insect shelters are installed and monitored by ecological robots. Urban, real and domestic robotics much of the short-circuit recycling is provided by small-scale robots. Each robot has several adaptable tools that allow it to perform many tasks. He works night and day. It is moved from one point of the city to another by vehicles ' 4 x 4 WD pass-all '. The agricultural robots work either in the agricultural facades or on the roof of the buildings or in the agricultural, horticultural or ecological zones located between the urban strips. Except in the event of an emergency, the robots work very slowly in order to save as much energy as possible. Agricultural and ecological spaces urban agricultural areas meander between urban strips. The vegetable gardens produce for the neighbouring buildings. Bio-digital agriculture and the use of robotic tools allow organic, non-polluting production for the environment. Robots provide soil preparation, compost application, mowing, superficial tillage, seedlings and transplants, mechanical weeding, swimming, watering, pruning, picking, transport, biological control against Parasites. Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand agents: Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand team members: Sarah Bamba (France), Muriel Adams (France), Hervé Dorle (Côte d'ivoire), Mina Lee (China) associate members: The young Lady (France), Cédric Blemand (France), Elodie Godot (France), Alaa Tellt (Morocco), Gérald Malbourough (France) with the assistance of: Velmourougane Chandrasegar (France), Aurélio Catani (France)