A series of 10 video capsules were produced to deepen the understanding of the exhibition. Capsule on the objectives and purpose of the exhibition, by Claire BAILLY and Jean MAGERAND, curators of the exhibition: Capsule on the Bio-digital Work Complex selected for the exhibiti
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Category Archives: Teaching/Research
Symposium "Projecting Architecture, at the Crossroads of Digital and Living": Program

"Architecture and Ecosystems": lecture by Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand at AgroParisTech
[Embed] https://youtu.be/cUfjcAXW098 [/embed]
November 16, 2017
UIA 2017: «Paris-Seoul 2017 Workshop & Exhibition: Bio-digital City»/The Catalogue
Doctorates "prospective architectures" at the Faculty of Architecture and urbanism of Mons
Thesis Director: Jean MAGERAND These few lines are intended to specify, for future PhD students, research leads that can be deepened within that doctoral course. The latter is based on a Belgian-Korean axis linking the faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Mons and the Faculty of Architecture of Yeungnam University in Daegu, South Korea. Continue reading