Creating the ARCHITECTURE collection.S, ALIVE.E.S, DIGITAL.S / L'Harmattan

The expansion of digital technology and the need to preserve the planet are pushing humanity to formulate a new future. New methods of analysis, the virtuous fabrications of territories and living environment, citizen cooperation and collective decision-making methods must be re-invented. This interdisciplinary collection confronts digital mutation and ecological mutation. It synergizes scientific, creative, theoretical, pragmatic, abstract, concrete, sensitive or rational approaches. It explores debates, hypotheses, experiments, questions or new utopias. It invites high-tech and low-tech. It revisits the anticipatory paradigmatic tracks opened by Cybernetics, the Sciences of Complexity, ecosystemia, the Complex Living or constructivist epistemologies. It summons historical forecasts to shed light on the utopias that are being manufactured today.

  To submit a manuscript to the scientific committee: write to the collection directors, Claire BAILLY( Jean MAGERAND(,who will transmit.

December 2019: International symposium "Projecting architecture, at the crossroads of digital and living"

The International Experimental Workshop for the Bio-Digital City is a partner of the symposium ""Projecting Architecture, at the crossroads of digital and living" to be held at the National Higher School of Architecture in Paris-Val de Seine on 12 and 13 December 2019. This symposium has received financial support from the Ministry of Culture (Office of Architectural Research, Urban and Landscape Research), and is part of the actions sponsored by the French National Commission of UNESCO. Continue reading