Claire BAILLY and Jean MAGERAND (researchers at the EVCAU Laboratory) and the International Experimental Workshop for the Biodigital City will speak on Tuesday, April 04, 2023, at the Sorbonne, as part of the Tuesdays of Innovation. Continue reading
Author Archives: biodigitalcity
Galerie de la PermArchitecture: exhibition "BioNumeric Architectures"
ARTEX: Bio-digital invited by the Institute of Complex Sciences-PIF
All information on theARTEX website: Continue reading
Creating the ARCHITECTURE collection.S, ALIVE.E.S, DIGITAL.S / L'Harmattan
| video capsules Exhibition "Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures"
A series of 10 video capsules were produced to deepen the understanding of the exhibition. Capsule on the objectives and purpose of the exhibition, by Claire BAILLY and Jean MAGERAND, curators of the exhibition: Capsule on the Bio-digital Work Complex selected for the exhibiti
o Continue reading
Video presentation of the exhibition "Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures"
Between biological and digital: the accident as a vector of complex architectures?
The video of the intervention of the International Experimental Workshop for the Bio-Digital City, on the occasion of the Virilio 2021 meetings on the theme "Geopolitics of the Accident" is online:
Online Tour – Ecosystem Arts Exhibition / Algorithmic Architectures
Trailer: Exhibition Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures
Symposium “Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures”
Due to the containment measures associated with VOCD-19, the symposium is postponed until spring 2021 –
The symposium “Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures” is associated with the exhibition “Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures”. It will intersect the interventions of artists, architects and researchers, around the problems raised by experiments and inventive hybridizations to the articulation of natural-complex and artificial-computational.
Organized as part of the preparation for the UIA 2021 World Congress of Architects in Rio de Janeiro, this colloquium will be introduced by Nivaldo Vieira de Andrade Junior, President of the IAB (Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil).
“Ecosystemic Arts / Algorithmic Architectures” Exhibition
"City of Sustainable Ascents" Architecture Competition – April 30, 2020
Architecture competition reserved for students and young professionals () "The City of Sustainable Ascents" 9,000 euros in prizes
having graduated less than 5 years ago
Inventing a sustainable and smart city for a better living together On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the Elevators Federation wishes to celebrate the avant-garde ideas that underpinned its founding. It wants to contribute to the emergence of new urban and architectural solutions for the medium and long term. It aims to contribute to improving the living environments of tomorrow by 2050. She asked the International Experimental Workshop for the Bio-Digital City, which specializes in forward-looking projects, to organize an architectural and urban planning competition for young professionals and students. The aim is to think about improving living conditions in the city and combating the negative effects of cities on the planet. Continue reading
Symposium "Projecting Architecture, at the Crossroads of Digital and Living": Program

Article "The Bio-Digital Farm: Looking for New Agricultural Models," C. Bailly, J. Magerand
City and agriculture. Architectural, urban and territorial innovations
Work directed by Lambert Dousson, Hassan Ait Haddou, Brigitte Nougarèdes, Pascale Scheromm, Christophe Soulard, Laurent Viala
December 2019: International symposium "Projecting architecture, at the crossroads of digital and living"
The International Experimental Workshop for the Bio-Digital City is a partner of the symposium ""Projecting Architecture, at the crossroads of digital and living" to be held at the National Higher School of Architecture in Paris-Val de Seine on 12 and 13 December 2019. This symposium has received financial support from the Ministry of Culture (Office of Architectural Research, Urban and Landscape Research), and is part of the actions sponsored by the French National Commission of UNESCO. Continue reading
future. E.S 2019: the debate podcast "Low tech, high tech: what is militant architecture today?"
The podcast of the debate between Jana REVEDIN (UIA), Claire BAILLY and Jean MAGERAND who opened the two days of FUTUR. E.S 2019 is available here:
future. E. S: "low tech-high tech, what is a militant architecture today?"
The architectural, urban, landscape and agronomic avant-garde will be honoured on 13 and 14 June 2019, at the Festival FUTUR. E.S. (ex futur-en-Seine), a major event of digital French, organized by CAP digital. Jana REVEDIN (UIA) (1), Claire BAILLY and Jean MAGERAND (2) will open the two days of conferences with an Exchange on the theme: "low tech-high tech, what is a militant architecture today?". Continue reading
The video of the workshop 2018 in partnership with KAIST in the city of science and industry
The workshop seen by our Korean partners of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of science and technology):
A bio-digital workshop at CAAD futures 2019 (South Korea)
Back to the world Forum Niemeyer
World Forum Niemeyer 2018-Press Review
World Niemeyer Forum in Rio de Janeiro: The Bio-Digital workshop invited as an expert
Preparatory event for the World Congress of Architects of 2020 (international Union of Architects-UIA), the World Forum Niemeyer 2018 is organized by the Niemeyer Institute, in partnership with UN-HABITAT, the Brazilian Institute of Architects, the IAB-RJ and CAU-RJ architectural and Town Planning Council. Continue reading
The French National Commission for UNESCO patronize the Franco-Brasilian action programme of the International Experimental Workshop for Bio-digital city
Workshop "biomimicry, Big Data and future city" at the City of Sciences: call for Applications
English version here
When: from 10 to 20 July 2018
What: Universcience in partnership with the International Experimental Workshop for the City of Science and Industry at the exhibition "Terra Data", a workshop (Intensive research Workshop)
French Robotics Cup 2018: Jean Magerand invited to the debate "is artificial intelligence capable of judging what it does?"
This year, the French Robotics Cup, organized by Planète Sciences and Oryon, has the theme “Robot cities”. Continue reading
Seoul//"Archi Auction": 3 Bio-Digital works auctioned
The night of ideas : Smart city, an ideal city?
The International Experimental Workshop for Bio-digital city is invited to the night of ideas 2018. This global event, initiated by the French Institute, is relayed in more than 50 countries. The City of Science and industry participates in this event, with a program called "I imagine Tomorrow", sponsored by Etienne Klein, physicist, philosopher of science. The program : discussions and presentations of work. Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand were invited to open and host a debate on the theme "Smart city, Ideal city?". This intervention is the occasion of an article published by The conversation, partner of the event. Throughout the evening, the work of the Experimental Laboratory (Universcience Partnership/International Experimental Workshop for Bio-digital city) is presented to visitors. Watch the video of the debate:
"Architecture and Ecosystems": lecture by Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand at AgroParisTech
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