Preparatory event for the World Congress of Architects of 2020 (international Union of Architects-UIA), the World Forum Niemeyer 2018 is organized by the Niemeyer Institute, in partnership with UN-HABITAT, the Brazilian Institute of Architects, the IAB-RJ and CAU-RJ architectural and Town Planning Council. The objective is to bring together civil society, institutions and public and private organizations experts in current and future urban issues, to discuss proposals, projects and effective practices for a better world, more Solidarity and more humane. Among the world experts invited to intervene, Claire Bailly and Jean Magerand will represent the French forward-looking approaches. They will present the work of the International Experimental Workshop for the city bio-numérique. It will explain how the living world and deep-learning can be brought into synergy and produce complex urban, architectural, agricultural processes. Finally, they will show how digital approaches help to develop virtuous projects for both environments and users.
Conference "The city Bio-numérique" by Jean Magerand: Thursday 18 October 2018 at 11h (40min) Teatro Adolphus Bloch, Rua do Russel 804-Glória, Rio de Janeiro
Conference "Bio-mimicry, cité numérique et Big Data: technological contributions to urban development" by Claire Bailly: Friday 19 October 2018 at 16h40 (40min) Teatro Adolphus Bloch, Rua do Russel 804-Glória, Rio de Janeiro
Visit the page announcing the event on the website of the French Institute see the page dedicated to the event