Category Archives: Works
Article "The Bio-Digital Farm: Looking for New Agricultural Models," C. Bailly, J. Magerand
Just published:
City and agriculture. Architectural, urban and territorial innovations
Work directed by Lambert Dousson, Hassan Ait Haddou, Brigitte Nougarèdes, Pascale Scheromm, Christophe Soulard, Laurent Viala
Chronicle | When Utopia and operational techniques rub shoulders
A prospective debate worthy of the name is fed alternatively of theoretical, practical and utopian substances. Today we present a fragment of the manifest text accompanying the project of bio-Digital City presented in the competition ' D3 Natural System '. The objective of this international competition was to propose architectural, territorial or urban devices designed to the articulation between nature and the artificial. Continue reading
To the Hypermediale city
Jean Magerand, Elizabeth Mortamais, towards the Hypermediale city: from Modernism-fossil to Hypercite-Immediate, Editions L'Harmattan, 2003, Collection: Cities and businesses, 284 pages, ISBN-10:2747545431 fourth Continue reading
Toward HyperLandscap
MAGERAND Jean, MORTAMAIS Elizabeth, towards Hyperpayson, L'Harmattan, 2009, Cites Collection Technologies Prospective, 258 p. Cover four: Any societal organization interferes with the natural environment and generates landscape. The apparently unnatural collaboration of the computer and ecology is very coherent. What is the reference to the representation of this hypercomplex nature that reveals to us the life sciences and the information? What are the possible impacts on the management and interpretation of the territories? What landscapes emerge?